Church's Motto  "Quench your spiritual thirst and feed your soul at the Fountain of Faith"

  Pastor                      Mark A. Cain


                    Pastor                           Clarence Jackson 

Lessons of The Week Church Mission Church Constitution Church History Event Calendar F.O.F.B.C. Ministries

February 27, 2005      Sunday 11a.m.      Worship Service           Sr. Pastor-Teacher: Rev. Mark A. Cain 

Series:                 HUMILITY                                                               LESSON 4 of 4:  The HUMILITY OF JESUS CHRIST                           Text:                    Philippians 2:3-8

Organizational Humility: The base of operation for Jesus during His incarnation was to follow God the Father’s plan from the virgin birth, be subject to His parents and the Word of God (Luke 2:7, 40, 46-47).

Enforced Humility: Jesus was to be subject to the sovereign will of God the Father by going to the Cross to die as a substitute, spiritually and physically for the sins of mankind (John 3:16; Luke 22:42).

Genuine Humility: This was our Lord’s obedience to the Father’s plan by actually going through the pain, suffering and death on the Cross because of His personal love of the Father and sacrificial love for us (Phil. 2:5-8; Psalm 22; Romans 5:8).

“So if I, your Lord and Teacher have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.”                  John 13:14 RSV


“The ultimate measure of a man [or woman] is not where he [or she] stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he [or she] stands at times of challenge and controversy.”            Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

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