Church's Motto  "Quench your spiritual thirst and feed your soul at the Fountain of Faith"

  Pastor                      Mark A. Cain


                    Pastor                           Clarence Jackson 

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Fountain of Faith Baptist Church


18. "Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things     of old

19. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.” Isa. 43:18-19

The above scripture can sum up the beginnings of Fountain of Faith Baptist Church (FOFBC). In May 2002, the Founding Elders of FOFBC, having been led by the Holy Spirit, sought to begin a new work in God. A church built on sound, Bible-based teaching and principles of integrity and truth.

God sent FOFBC a Senior Pastor and Assistant Pastor to help develop the vision, and to shepherd the flock as we began the journey to fulfill God’s calling for this church.

Fountain of Faith Baptist Church started with twenty-one (21) members and quickly grew to thirty-five (35) Founding Members before the first inaugural services. The membership has grown over the last three years to approximately 100. We remain standing with open arms ready to receive all those who choose to drink from the Fountain of Living Waters and become a member of the Fountain of Faith.

FOFBC continues to be a beacon of truth in a dark world. We will continue to strive to live by our motto:                                       “Come to the place where you can quench your spiritual thirst and feed your soul at the Fountain of Faith!”

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